Samurai Jack
Samouraï Jack
Cette série met en scène les aventures de Jack, un samouraï qui a pour quête de sauver Bia Young Mei, une jeune princesse chinoise-japonaise et de vaincre Aku, le plus dangereux démon du monde. Lors de leur premier affrontement, le samouraï, à deux doigts de la victoire, baisse sa garde et se retrouve ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 20 minutes |
Animation, Action, Anime | Cartoon Network, Adult Swim | 2001 |
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4.12 -
LI: Young Jack in Africa
LI: Young Jack in Africa
This episode takes place during Jack's childhood. After Aku's first attack, Jack is brought to a tribe in Africa where he is admitted into the adult community after a small ritual and the chief of the village teaches him the art of fighting with a stick. But an enemy tribe attacks the village in order to get a reward promised by Aku for Jack's capture and everyone is captured except for Jack. So he follows them, mastering the captors' weapon, using qualities of the animals he has observed to do so. After a difficult series of fights, Jack releases all the prisoners and with their help, the enemy tribe is defeated. At the end, Jack leaves the tribe because he is now considered to have learned all he can from them.
Diffusion originale : 25 septembre 2004
Diffusion française :
25 septembre 2004
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :
Adrian Diamond
Kevin Michael Richardson